Welcome to the CCEDC Newsboard
(as printed in The Clarion News, November 8th, 2022 edition)
The Clarion County Economic Development Corp. is pleased to introduce the CCEDC Newsboard.
The CCEDC believes in the importance of active community discussion and the transparent sharing of public information. Stories and publications that celebrate the successes of our business community, as well as discuss the challenges inherent to rural economic development, should play a role in community conversations. In partnership with the CLARION NEWS, the CCEDC will seek to publish a monthly article spotlighting an economic development story, project, or initiative.
The CCEDC Newsboard hopes to give its readers a chance to learn about the economic development in Clarion County. Those initiatives will not just include the efforts of the CCEDC but those from many origins, including local, regional, state, and national. Local stories have a tendency to get lost in the national conversations. For the small, rural communities in Clarion County, there is no exception. Regardless of our rural nature, the stories and developments that impact Clarion County deserve to be shared. The Newsboard will feature topics ranging from workforce development, entrepreneurship, business attraction, partnership highlights, local leadership, redevelopment, and advocacy.
Stories published in the CLARION NEWS will also be available on the CCEDC’s Newsboard website, which can be found at www.ClarionCountyEDC.com/newsboard.
The author is the executive director of the Clarion County Economic Development Corp. He can be reached at 814-226-9045.